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Writer's pictureGretchen Gegg

How to end the struggle and transform your body!

Happy 2019!

Don't you just LOVE a fresh start? I do! Give me a blank notebook, new calendar, freshly sharpened pencil, or just a trip to an office mega-store any day! And there is nothing more exciting than a BRAND NEW YEAR!

Look out 2019 I'm coming for you and you aren't even going to know what hit you!

Now, this is not a post about resolutions. Instead, this is a post about SOLUTIONS!! I spent the entire year of 2018 creating The MiMo Method of helping women transform their bodies. I worked exclusively with the mother's I mentor, then opened up a test group and FINALLY am launching a 12 week (with lifetime access) course to get you where you have always KNOWN you could be when it comes to your health and wellness.

This method addresses your mindset first and is catered to those of us who have tried, and failed (multiple times in many cases) to lose wieght and get healthy.

Our bodies are sick and we are sick of it! I'm here today to tell you ALL about it and how YOU can start working The MiMo(tm) Method TODAY because it is the solution that WORKS!

I hope you are ready for me to throw everything you thought you knew about losing weight out the window.

All your life you have been told that change means taking BIG, drastic ACTION and overhauling your whole life from Day 1. I'm here to tell you that is NOT the truth.

Change takes time. It is a JOURNEY to true and lasting health and wellness. And, just like any journey, we start with a plan and take small steps forward. Next thing you know, you look back and see that you climbed a bigger mountain than you ever thought you could.

Now, how do I know this?

Because I have spent close to 20 years in an industry that is focused on health and behavior change through BIG ACTION. I spent years PREACHING the benefits of taking action first. I also spent years watching it NOT work. I saw people leave the gym frustrated and quit after just a few weeks of trying to "lose weight" or "get blood sugar under control" or "become motivated."

For the last 10 of those years, though, I have been teaching health in higher education. Teaching college students what it means to create lasting behavior change, combat stress and participate in self care. And guess what? NONE of those strategies promoted BIG ACTION. They all promote educating yourself, getting your mindset right and taking little steps to make a lasting impact.

When I stepped back and looked at what I was teaching, REALLY looked at it. I had an EPIPHANY! If I can take what I know from studying educational psychology, researching physical education, and teaching health at a large university and combine it with what I have experienced as a trainer, group fitness instructor and yoga leader, I can CHANGE LIVES FOR GOOD!

So, what did I do?


I quit preaching about taking action first.

I quit promising results from ridiculously hard workouts.

I quit pushing motivation based on what we see on the outside....

and I QUIT MY JOB teaching in a traditional classroom to bring my knowledge to those who need it most!

I am here for YOU who is too embarrassed to step into a gym; I am here for YOU who is stuck in a eat-feel guilty-eat more cycle;

I am here for YOU who has gained so much weight it hurts to walk to the front door;

I am here for YOU who is crying reading this because you know you need this but you just can't believe you have found it.

Guess what? YOU HAVE!!

The MiMo(tm) Method was designed for YOU!! All you have to do is take a baby step forward. So, sit up a little straighter, wipe the tears away (and most likely blow your nose), and let me tell you a little bit more about my plan of action to get you where you want to be in 12 weeks.


WEEK 1: Start each day with a plan of attack. The secret to total transformation is in the little things. Like, do you even make up your bed in the morning? Seriously, THAT small.

WEEK 2: Do the work in the mirror first. A simple, but challenging week as we write down specific things to say to ourselves IN THE MIRROR. Have you ever looked yourself in the eye and told yourself "I love you." ?

WEEK 3: Looking back to look forward. Dig deep, maybe even cry a little as you look into what got you here in the first place. This is a scary week, but you are given practical steps (and even scripts) that will take away the pain by stripping away old habits and creating new ones.

WEEK 4: Hit the hay! How do you know if you are getting enough good quality sleep? You track it! Did you know that lack of sleep is a HUGE reason that people aren't losing weight? Use the sleep tracker to find out if you are doing sleep right.


WEEK 5: Ditch the diet. Y'all this is the FIRST week we even TOUCH on our nutrition. We talk about what you should and shouldn't be eating and then COMMIT to dropping sugar and artificial sweeteners.

WEEK 6: Eat more! What is inflammation? What are anti-inflammatory foods? Why do I care? You are given the WHY behind the decisions you are making at least 3 times a day during meal times. It is so empowering to be educated.

WEEK 7: The fast and the furious. Intermittent fasting was the closing act of 2018 right along with the Keto diet. But is it right for you? And what about all the different types of fasting? The myths are broken and the truth will set you free! (cheezy....I know!)

WEEK 8: This is probably my favorite week because we uncover the mindset behind why you are in a tumultuous relationship with food. And...we use an acronym (if you don't already know me, you need to know that I LIVE for acronyms). Yep, I equip you with P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E. eating habits to heal your food wounds!


WEEK 9: Learn to love STRESS! We can't achieve our goals, dreams and visions without a little stress. wait......but isn't stress bad for you?? Maybe, but not always. There is a great reason to stress a little bit and I teach you how NOT to go overboard.

WEEK 10: The secrets to SELF-CARE. Holy cow, self-care was crowned Miss 2018 if you ask me! We started to understand that we can't be present for others if we aren't taking care of ourselves first. But, what IS self-care and are we doing it right? Find out this and a whole lot more you may have never known about taking care of YOU first.

WEEK 11: Seek STILLNESS. We are only getting more and more distracted every day. From our phone to our computers to our TVs to, well, SCREENS....they are everywhere and they are designed to pull our attention away from where it needs to be. Learn 8 practical and modern ways to break free from distraction and why it is important.

WEEK 12: What do I do when I fall off track? THIS ALONE makes The MiMo(tm) Method different than anything else out there. I'm not just going to tell you to move on. I give you the psychology behind relapse and the mindset strategies to help you come out of a relapse even better than before.

I want to hear from you.

What do you think about this method?

Are you courageous enough to believe that it will actually work?

I know you are!

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