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Gretchen Gegg
May 17, 20191 min read
Getting "Un-Stuck" Part 3/6
Reason #2 you are stuck! You are following someone else's plan! Do you ever feel like something just isn't working but you keep going...
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Gretchen Gegg
Apr 7, 20192 min read
The 4 Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle
When you think of a healthy lifestyle you probably think of the BIG TWO: diet and exercise. Am I right? Focusing on ONLY on those two...
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Gretchen Gegg
Feb 18, 20191 min read
Why Take the Stairs When you Can Take the R.A.M.P.?
Nothing brings on the eye rolling quite like trying to tell a person who wants to start exercising about how to incorporate lifestyle...
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Gretchen Gegg
Jan 7, 20195 min read
How to end the struggle and transform your body!
Happy 2019! Don't you just LOVE a fresh start? I do! Give me a blank notebook, new calendar, freshly sharpened pencil, or just a trip to...
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Gretchen Gegg
Nov 7, 20182 min read
Overcoming Exercise Excuses
But first, coffee... I have seen that phrase on shirts, mugs and I think even a newborn onesie! Now, don't get me wrong, there isn't...
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