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Real Life: I'm a Slashy.

Writer's picture: Gretchen GeggGretchen Gegg

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

4:45am - alarm goes off, I get up, get dressed (thank God I remembered to lay out my outfit last night because NO ONE else is up and I’m not about to turn the light on to scramble in my chest of drawers for something to wear), brush my teeth and splash some water on my face

5:00am - head to the gym, listen and say aloud my daily affirmations on the way

5:30am - get my workout on!

6:45am - back home in time to kiss the hubby bye, put on a little makeup and film/edit my weekly video for Social Media Time Out before Alice wakes up.

8:00am (or whenever I am most definitely NOT at a stopping point) - Alice wakes up and we head into our morning of breakfast, getting dressed, painting, coloring, playing outside, pottying, forgetting potty time and peeing in our pants, changing our pants, listening to the latest Coaching call or Mentor training in Mom Mastery University while we match up letters/numbers/shapes

11:00am - start the process of preparing and eating lunch


I used to eat at my desk in less than 15 minutes.

12:30pm - naptime

12:45pm - read Llama Llama for the 80th time, Alice’s eyes aren’t anywhere near closing

1:30pm - still not asleep and sensing my desperation for her to take a nap, Alice pulls out the “nurse?” card….yep, I’m a sucker for anything that will get her to go to sleep so let’s do this thing.

1:45pm - “other side?” y’all my almost 2 year old has run out of milk in one boob and is asking for more milk from the other side. With memories of the days we were struggling to latch (and kind of wishing that might occur today…) I switch sides in an attempt to get her to go to sleep.

2:00pm - it was a ploy. She is NOT asleep and we are reading Llama Llama again.

3:00pm - I give up. I have to run by the post office and we aren’t napping I guess.

3:05pm - she is asleep in the car. Looks like I’m digging out ALL the santa stamps and hoping I put enough on this package to get to my mama who just finished her 90 day challenge.

Y'all just thought I was kidding.....

4:15pm - sit down to work on this blog post!

Such is the life of a Momtrepeneur. You know, that mom that is also trying to bring in income to help support her family or, like me, can’t imagine life without work. Also known as a “Slashy.”

A Slashy???

Like this:

Mom/Fitness Instructor/Health Coach/Wife/Digital Entrepenur/Mama Mentor/Skincare Consultant/Instagram Coach/Blogger/Supplement Representative/Student

Yes, I am ALL of those things EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

And you know what?? I totally love it.

I absolutely cannot imagine my life any other way. Not only do I choose how I spend my day, but I impact lives in a very real way every single minute of it.

Are you rolling your eyes yet?

If I was me a year ago I would be rolling my eyes and shouting “lies, all lies!”

But, I have changed. It wasn’t easy and it took a LOT of work on my inner mom. You know, the one who always butted in with “you can’t do that,” “you aren’t a salesy person,” “you know NOTHING about business,” and on, and on, and on. Guess what? SHE knew nothing.

Here I am, a year later, helping moms who are overwhelmed, unhealthy, and frustrated. I am helping business-minded mamas grow their teams and learn how to use social media without taking time away from being a mom. I interact every day with moms looking to make money from home and help them do exactly that.

Do you want to know my secret?

I started with a 90 day challenge in Mom Mastery University. This had NOTHING to do with business building and everything to do with personal growth. I learned how to rise up, stand tall, trust my gut and believe in my vision. I learned to listen to my head and not my emotions. I learned that I was worth taking care of and that I was never getting these moments of uncertainty back. I learned to TAKE CHARGE of my life.

And, right now, writing this blog and watching my feisty, headstrong, hilarious and FANTASTIC daughter sleeping on the baby monitor, I can tell you it was worth it.

Do yourself a favor. No matter where you are today. Give me 90 days. You won’t regret it.

Email me at with the subject line “give me 90 days.”

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