In case you haven’t noticed from the last post...I STRONGLY believe that motivation is crucial to behavior change.
Even (especially!) the small behaviors like getting up without hitting snooze, weeding the garden regularly, setting time aside to go through business receipts, potty training your two year old (those pull ups are tempting!), or any small thing you need to do to make your life more manageable.
You guys, success is in the SMALL things. And we have to be motivated enough to power through them to get to the BIG things, the VISION, your DREAM LIFE!

Now, I don’t know about you, but I am pretty terrible at creating my own motivation. I don’t jump out of bed every morning with sparkly socks on and run 14 miles before the sun comes up. In fact, you really should avoid talking to me at all until I do my AM routine and POWER WORK until my 2 year old wakes up (currently happening). And I am totally bent out of shape by kinks in my morning routine. Like burning oatmeal (also currently happening).
What do I do when I am desperate for motivation but am coming up dry? I let other people create it for me! The magic, for me, lies in podcasts and audiobooks! If you are a work from home mom I don’t even have to explain the beauty of audible learning. You mean I can fold 14,000 pieces of tiny clothing and learn business strategy? Count me in! When I’m driving around because my daughter fell asleep in the car and I’m waiting for the deep sleep so I can carry her in and she will nap I can also get nutrition advice from experts?
My dream is to get a podcast of my own going, but I have a method to my waiting and, for now, have some pretty awesome topics and interviews on my Mind Into Motion Chat on YouTube. You can definitely just listen to that!
So what am I listening to these days?
Today I want to share a few of my favorite motivational podcasts. Podcasts are free and in lots of different places. They are short and sweet and leave you feeling smarter and ready to tackle the world.
This podcast is a new kid on the block from the creator of the “Crazy Blessed” podcast Hannah Keeley. While it is definitely from a mom’s perspective (she has 8 kids y’all), it is funny and poignant and has something for everyone. Give it a listen even if you are so NOT a mom.
Also relatively new, but jumped out of the gates to the top of the lists in like 2 days?!?! It was crazy. Nicole is on fire you guys. If she can’t motivate you then you may as well give up. (That’s kind of a joke.)
Lewis Howes brings it all from nutrition advice to business strategy. He is known for high caliber guests and to-the-point speaking.
Chalene has a background like mine so of course I admire her. She is a health and fitness guru, but this podcast tackles a little bit of everything.
So there you go. Motivation done for you! Take a minute to listen to each of these. And remember, if you like what you hear, subscribe and rate/review because that is the lifeblood of podcasts!