Did you know that the reason you get disappointed on Valentine's day is because you haven't mastered these 3 things? Check it out and be sure to read until the end for $300 off my currently enrolling small group!
If you can't look yourself in the mirror and say "I love you, I really love you" without cringing then how will you EVER believe those words coming out of someone else's mouth. This is what holds SO MANY people back from great relationships. It is simply underlying doubt that they are worthy of love.
One of the very first things lessons in The MiMo Method (body-positive weight loss program - see #2) is assign everyone homework to start telling themselves "I love you, I really love you" in the mirror first thing in the morning. Try it today and keep doing it until you really believe it.
I don't even have to tell you how ridiculously RICH women have made the weight-loss industry because we don't even love ourselves enough to figure out WHY we are staying overweight and unhappy. And, yes, I believe that you can be body-positive and still want to lose weight. It is about a journey to health and overall wellness NOT about weight loss.
In The MiMo Method we put our MInd into MOtion first and then the physical changes follow easily. We spend 4 weeks looking at what has contributed to our weight gain and/or unhealthy habits before we ever address diet and physical activity. And the last 4 weeks are spent on learning how to MAINTAIN weight loss. And, with unlimited access to the course, you can go back through at any time to peel off more layers of your "WHY" when it comes to health and wellness.
How much do you value yourself? I mean really! No idea? Okay, here's how to tell. Think about how you spend money on yourself. Do you look for the cheapest clothes in your size and settle for something that "kind of fits" because it is on sale? Do you buy yourself an unhealthy treat because you "deserve it" during a rough week? Do you find yourself cancelling or avoiding personal trainers/boutique fitness studios/gyms/other workout groups because they are "too expensive"? If so, you place VERY LITTLE VALUE on yourself.
How can you value yourself more? You can take MASSIVE ACTION today to finally and for good get healthy. Eventually, undervaluing yourself and your health will catch up to you. It will catch up in the form of disease (either mental or physical) and it is going to cost you a LOT of money!
What can you STOP investing in? Stop investing your hard earned money in things that are keeping you unhappy. Stop buying the candy at the checkout line. Stop heading to the kitchen for a snack after the family goes to bed. Stop overindulging in alcohol so you don't care as much about your physical state.
What can you START investing in? Something that is going to give you back the life you deserve to be living!
This March I am starting a small group coaching program called The MiMo Method Masterclass that will give you everything you need to finally get the life you deserve. What you get:
- A Welcome Kit upon enrollment
- 90 Days of 24/7 support group messaging
- 12 weeks of small group (10 people or less)
- 1 Free one-on-one lifecoaching session with Gretchen upon completion
- Lifetime access to The MiMo Method online course
- Lifetime access to The Body Postive Fitness program (this has workouts for ALL levels - even chair workouts)
- Lifetime access to The Faith Meditation Series
And, in honor of your commitment to LOVE YOURSELF FIRST, if you mention this article you will get $300 OFF your enrollment.
Applications are OPEN - APPLY HERE TODAY! Spots will go to the first 10 people who enroll!