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It's Good to be Back! (teaching in person, that is...)

Updated: May 3, 2021

Group exercise instructors get ready. With more and more people getting vaccinated we can now take advantage of classes and collaborations like before. This weekend it actually felt as if yoga was “back to normal” in my pop up class at Wildflyer Mead Co.

We had a big crowd. And not "Covid big" - 16/20 spots registered and almost all of those ticket holders showed up! That's a big yoga class, and I LOVE that Wildflyer gave me a big space to occupy with our yoga class. I adore their welcoming, flexible tasting room for these classes!

I’m not going to get “into it” but I know it is important to talk about precautions taken. Back story, I live in texas and some places are requiring masks some are not. As a fitness professional, I hold my own insurance and take responsibility for what happens in my class (so I don’t necessarily have control over the facility). So here's what I did:

  • I wore a mask because I was wandering around and projecting my voice.

  • I also made sure I had the option for a mic in case I needed it - I have my own travel set up and fits nicely in a suitcase. If you would like a post about that just comment below and let me know.

  • I told people to feel free to keep their masks on if that made them feel comfortable, but that their mat was their own space.

  • As people entered, I made sure mats were spaced out and clumped together with people who were exposed to each other already.

Side note: most of the people attending were fully vaxxed and I think that contributed to the numbers.

The point is:

I don’t think I realized how much I missed the connection that happens when teaching in person. There was a tangible energy in class. I was able to walk around and cue based on what I was seeing in participant’s postures and bodies. There was a give and take to the class that we can’t experience virtually.

I love my virtual classes and the ability that gives me to continue to help people reach their goals, but there is just something special about meeting in person. Here’s hoping we can keep up this trend safely and that people will be willing to step into a collaborative space again. Check out the photos from this event below!

Want me to teach yoga in your space? I am always open to pop ups and travel! Let’s chat - my calendar is open, just click here to pick your spot!

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