1 Coach
2 Weeks
12 Workouts
Unlimited Options!
Get immediate access to a 2-WEEK FITNESS PROGRAM with three types of workouts that can be done anywhere!
All workouts are UNDER 30 MINUTES, have modifications for all participants (chair included) and include 2 rest days!
$400 VALUE
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
for cardiovascular endurance - no impact necessary!
FLOW (yoga-based training)
strength, balance and flexibility
FIT (combo workout)
"microfitness" components that are left out of most fitnes programs: agility, coordination & reaction time
All workouts include a mindfulness moment at the end to help us get our MIND right and feel at home in our skin.

Anyone who has ever felt like an outsider in the world of fitness.
The person who wants to learn to love workout.
Professionals (fitness instructors, personal trainers, physical therapists, etc...) who want to learn techniques to teach physical activity in a body positive way.
The people that understand that mental health has a home in physical health activities!
Someone who wants to enjoy physical activity/working out.
Anyone needing to start a fitness program and doesn't have much time or space on their hands.
Someone caught in an on-again. off-again relationship with working out.
The person who thinks they are beyond help!

What people are saying...
"Wow! I love this. I can see this working for me! What I really appreciate is that we keep it easy to feel the wins. This makes it so achievable for me."
"Already my strength and balance are improving, but more importantly, I actually WANT to exercise."
"Gretchen has a charismatic personality, is always encouraging, and wants everyone to meet their goals to be the best they can be."
"Wonderful! It's the furthest I've EVER gotten in an exercise program."